Wednesday, December 12, 2007

If It Ain't Broke...

Anyone who has ever worked in a data center knows things tend move slowly in the enterprise data center, because IT managers are somewhat risk averse.

The Golden Rules of IT
1) If it's not broken, don't fix it. Most organizations simply don't have thetime, the resources or the funds to re-implement things that are currentlyworking.

I think this has been one driver for VMware's successful adoption. It is so easy to get started with VMware -- download VMware Server - some necessary but little-used old servers that are just sucking up electricity, and go.

You don't need a special paravirtualized kernel, just whatever you were running (Windows, Linux, Solaris, etc.);

You don't need to recompile your app;

You don't need to get special hardware;

You don't even really need a SAN or other fancy enterprise storage to get started -- just virtualize, no re-implementation needed.

The key point is that you treat a virtual machine just like its physical counterpart -- although try not to have every antivirus and backup job in every virtual machine on an ESX Server fire off at the same time.

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